1819ing out there in front of folks

Mercy! Hoo boy! This podcast is a wild one. And that’s even by this bunch’s standard. Rumble embed to follow. Normally wouldn’t link to that platform but they were booted off YouTube, presumably for some of the bog-standard foolishness these characters routinely parroted out. Link here if that’s a site you won’t visit. Much here is silly. It’s dangerous even. My main thesis is that folks across Alabama need to pay attention to these types. I try to. Nobody pays me one thin dime for this. However, I’ve plenty to keep me busy. So this is…

Is ALGOP too much for some?

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” Anyone with service at the Daily Caller, Breitbart, and now the partly dark money-funded Alabama Policy Institute’s 1819 effort presumably knows plenty about how some political stories are planned up. Jeff Poor’s speculation on an ALGOP “that functions more as a social club than a boisterous advocate or opponent of public policy” seems somewhat shaky, however. But there’s this sentence: “Is an ideologically far-right state party too much for some?” To be at least nibbling at something seems like…

Post by mere bag of protoplasm.

I’ll eventually explain the title. This podcast put out by partly dark money-funded Alabama Policy Institute 1819 effort was something else. If you just want to listen to it, it’s ‘They Want to Steal Your Children’ podcast dated 27 SEP 22.’ And if you want to watch it, Rumble is the only option. Not sure why it’s not up on YouTube as they have a channel there. The 1819 ‘News’ President, CEO and Founder Bryan Dawson brought on a regular reporter Craig Monger and LOCAL Alabama’s Allison Sinclair. She might…

Filters are needed

A recent ‘Alabama Unfiltered’ episode from the wholly owned subsidiary of the Alabama Policy Institute had three regular 1819ers talking with Rebekah Blocher. She’s an Alabama Eagle Forum ‘Research Fellow.’ She’s done several ‘Great Reset’ and “What is Metaverse?’ talks but also recently directed their Cullman group’s program on ‘foraging’ so as “to prepare for the upcoming food shortages that will begin to hit this fall.” Try to remember that worry for later. The Alabama Policy Institute 1819 hosts were Scott Beason, Amie Beth Shaver (ABS), and a ‘Local Alabama‘…

What they’re for? Seems to me they don’t know.

A rare post. I got in here and found one from back in 2019 that I forgot to finish. Might try to circle back to it one of these days. The same old same old. Another know it all non-educator who claims to be a ‘conservative’ who was writing out of their ass. A day that ends with y around these here parts. I’m posting today because one of Alabama Media Group’s ‘conservative’ and Christian columnist did another dog of a column. Dana Hall McCain’s ‘They know what we’re against. What are we for?’ on…

Termite’s new team and ‘extreme views’

That ‘Termite’ is deciding he’s more at home in the ALGOP, welcomed in with the usual fanfare, seems about right to me. A Washington County, Alabama County Commissioner deciding he wants to run for office on one team instead of the other isn’t all that notable. What a party official working her way through the cadre to her current position had to say neither means much. How Brandon Moseley closed his Alabama Political Reporter piece covering this at the end of last week is what caught my eye. The national Democratic Party’s extreme views in favor of…

Alabama’s business community won’t corral ‘the crazies’ Bill, they need ’em too much

Bill Britt’s opinion piece from 2 July 2019 in the Alabama Political Reporter isn’t totally off base, excepting perhaps “hands down the best governor in decades” applied to Kay Ivey. A ‘hands downer’ wouldn’t need handlers like Jo Bonner or similar types on their team. I recall her needing Richard Allen as her ‘parliamentarian’ when she was Loot Guv but talk persists that she’s mostly just a figurehead. A ‘hands downer’ would also be considered as likely able to survive debating an opponent with numbers and a party affiliation ratio so clearly in their favor. As to…

About Alabama teachers finding their voice

In reporting on the latest system asking for the ‘Accountability’ Act’s repeal, APR’s Josh Moon asks, “(W)hat the hell is taking so long on Alabama teachers finding their voice on … everything?” I’m on the outside, but think it’s starting and has even existed. Instead of doing a bunch of tweets to thread together, I decided to just toss them over here into my rarely used web pages. I keep saying that one of these days I’ll start back to blogging. These are short and initial thoughts. I’d refine them surely if I took the time to do so….

Alabama Farmers Federation’s ‘Earth Day’ Tweet & Scott Pruitt, Big Luther …

On Earth Day, we consider how we care for the Earth's resources. But farmers already do that daily. They strive to care for the Earth, to provide food for others, and to protect the environment so they can pass on their land to the next generation. pic.twitter.com/az6IbNk46t — Alfa Farmers (@AlfaFarmers) April 22, 2018 The above tweet caught my eye. That’s because I remembered some similar language about how much Alfa cared about the environment and who all was doing the talking. Yup, none other than Scott Pruitt.

Deliberating on the Hubbard jury deliberations

As ready as I am for this damned trial to be done, especially after all the delays, I’m starting to think about how I’ll feel once it’s over. Writing helps me think and I figured it can’t hurt to share. I might as well try to get some use from my webhosting spending. So here goes. I’m hardly a pro on writing but do hope it’s not absolutely awful. I can always say it’s a first draft. I usually do links and/or footnotes but I’m just not taking the time right now. Whether Mike Hubbard is acquitted or found guilty,…

testing blog post

Here’s a test post to park and see how it goes. I need to decide about the image posting on the blog page but it’s a start. By the way, this is out at the Yakima Training Center back in 2008 when we were driving back from a good day’s training in a high tech shoot house. I never was Billy Badass but felt pretty good that my little group was ready to clear a house by then. Unfortunately, they soon found out I could type and handle…