I’m John Gunn. I’ll explain the ‘Junto Gunto’ handle later. I started this site mostly for blog posts. Probably for some ‘branding’ too. Yuck! I’m quite the contrarian about how ‘neoliberal rationalities’ have slithered in on so much across society. I once tweeted often. I’d used that platform as a micro-blog. Threads could certainly get a bit rambly. I hoped I once was able to collect some information from that time suck that I’d likely have never located otherwise. What I was usually looking for was education, mostly adult or higher with the organic or informal being increasingly favored, and sociology, political science, history, etc. A ‘news junkie’ from pretty much before I turned 10, Twitter was something I immediately took to. However, I rarely am there now. It’s become just too unpleasant for my taste and seemingly limited in utility given the new ownership. I admittedly do visit there to try to keep an eye on some of the characters and performer types here in Alabama who are, in my opinion, making things even worse. I’m increasingly up on Bluesky now, however. It’s not yet like ‘old Twitter’ was but does have some promise. Time will tell.
As to having this site, to try to scare up some work or allies with what I hope to one day accomplish is probably part of my hope. While I’m somewhat of an anarchist and tend to like to do my own thing, I play relatively well with others. It’d be nice to have a little help and reach that you can sometimes get by working with a collective. And even if anyone just mostly or exclusively does their own individual efforts, it’s often good to have a site standing ready. Projects about the house and on a couple of three other rehabbing efforts keep me busy. My graduate work is also on the final stretch. I might even now see some light at the end of the tunnel on those other houses. Other pages have more on all those matters. Eventually, I’ll try to do better about delivering new content here. Some might even be something like ‘branding.’ Yuck!
Also, I’ve been thinking more and more lately about offering myself up for talks or panels, as some sort of authority or at least possessor of some understanding on several areas, or a guest on podcasts or other media efforts, etc. Give me some time to put something together on what all I might be able to tackle. The trajectory of ‘conservatism’ in the last half century or so and how Peter Viereck’s version was ‘disappeared’ is one possibility. I can do neoliberalism on a heap of stuff. I’ve actually read some Marx, a little from various Frankfurt School voices, some Gramsci, etc. Yes, I am willing to do a capitalism critique and talk about class openly. However, I can also do some of such using some ‘old school’ conservative voices. Rural sociology themes and the education ‘accountability’ movement of recent decades are areas I’ve surely wrestled with.
As for this ‘Junto Gunto’ mess, we had an awesome history teacher with the last name Cato back in high school. Even those who weren’t history nerds like me liked (except for test time I suppose) Mr. Cato. When I thought I’d follow him into the profession, my buddies started calling me ‘Junto’ or ‘Junto Gunto.’ (The first part was pronounced with an ‘un.’ Like ‘Hey man, be careful because that biggest bluetick was sleeping UNder your pickup truck.’) Mr. Cato left this mortal coil in January of 2016. I’d like to think he’s somewhere smoking and joking – as he swills his coffee. The man was one of a kind. I’m among the many blessed to have had such an excellent teacher. At dear old Handley High in Roanoke, Alabama, we had several top-shelf educators. I believe the tradition continues from the limited intel I get.
I didn’t know about Ben Franklin’s ‘Junto’ way back then but thought it quite awesome once I did. (And yeah, I know the pronunciation doesn’t quite work. It’s close enough dammit.) The idea of an informal group like what Franklin put together in Philadelphia is possibly timeless. That such is in line with my increasing belief that the organic and small is generally better than anything that is ‘top-down’ and highly structured also seems notable. Most folks today are not eager ‘joiners’ and the idea of the public square doesn’t fit either in today’s neoliberal, fragmented world. Still, there is something to be said for people coming together to discuss ideas. It is Habermasian perhaps – even if I think Jürgen is somewhat Pollyannish in thinking honest brokers looking for truth won’t generally be trumped by rascals with money and/or ambitions.
Thanks for stopping by. john